“Defend the Blue Line” Counter Protest at 122nd Police Precinct, Staten Island (March 30, 2021)

A brief photo essay recounting a small show of resistance in a Far-Right stronghold.

Note that this is not an objective, purely journalistic report; I attended as a part of a group demonstrating against a Blue Lives Matter rally and documented the event from this perspective.


Arrived at New Dorp Station around 4:30pm. Outside the entrance of the station were about 10 people. Everyone dressed entirely in black, most faces were covered. My requests to photograph the demonstrators were politely declined - identities were kept anonymous as several people there were “known agitators” in the area and had been Doxed.

One person assumed the leader/organizer role and explained the purpose of the counter protest: resistance in “the belly of the beast”. As a Staten Island resident, they stated that SI is a haven for white nationalism, anti-Blackness, bigotry, Proud Boys, and Bootlickers (also known as Chuds). All of these groups would undoubtedly be present at the “Defend the Blue Line”/Blue Lives Matter rally.

It was explained that a show of resistance is especially important here, where there is relatively little opposition to fascist forces. That is why this small group of people dressed themselves in black and spent their Tuesday evening outside of a police precinct in the middle of Staten Island.


Group starts walking to 122nd Precinct just after 5pm. Quickly discovered 5 NYPD Community Affairs Officers tailing us. “Escorting the group for safety purposes”.


Met with heavy police presence upon arrival at the precinct. A barricade had been formed already on the sidewalk - about 200 feet away on the other side of the barricade, the “Defend the Blue Line” rally begins to form. Anti-police chants start on our side. A couple more demonstrators in all black join in our section of the barricade; the group totaled no more than 20 people. 


The Blue Lives that matter.


By 6pm the crowd on the other side of the barricade has grown. Fleets of motorcyclists drive past our side of the barricade as they head to the rally. Jeers are exchanged on both sides; it’s the typical “Fuck you Commie” - “Fuck you Fascist” dialogue.


Member of The Blue Knights LEMC and a member of the NYPD in close conversation.


From across the street a man stared for the entire rally.

Counter protesters shielded one another from the press with umbrellas to prevent identification. 



Another demonstrator joins the group.


Around 7:30pm, rally ends - NYPD Community Affairs officers instruct the group of counter protestors to leave so as to avoid contact with rally participants.

Officers escort the group from 122nd precinct to Grant City station while these three men (slide 2) and a few cars follow behind.

Officers board the train and tail the group to St. George ferry terminal; they board the ferry and follow the group (at this point consisting of only 10 people) to Manhattan. Ferry docks at South Ferry and the group disperses.


“Free Palestine/Save Sheikh Jarrah” Protest